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Welcome to HDWiki,

a NMU HelpDesk resource.

Mon - fri

7:30 am - 4 pm

Current Outages

See Outages Announcement Instructions for updating Downtime/Service Status and other NMU customer notifications. NMU LTE problem? You might check EAN Announcements


Recent News

  • If a user gets a temporary gmail re-enable, and then changes their password in, their gmail will again be disabled. When a user needs 24-hour access to their Gmail, they must know their password first. If they do not know their password, we must issue a temporary and get them logged in BEFORE we send Chris the request to enable the Gmail account. If they go into myuser or myNMU, Google will lock the account for 24 hours. They must log in to google mail with their password. Again. If they go into anything nmu, Google will lock the account for 24 hours.

  • Just a reminder, anyone that wants a chip for the LTE network in their laptop, needs to log into their machine and setup account if they haven't. Also, do a Lenovo System update before submitting to hardware for the installation.

  • And as mentioned elsewhere, turn around time when something goes to Micro is 4 hours for this week and next week at least. Make sure to let LTE installees know this so they can decide if want it installed now or wait a couple weeks when it will be back down to 2 hours.

  • We'll have a lot of students moving into dorms saying their smart tv's, playstations, etc are not working on ethernet and/or wifi. Those devices need to be registered to work. they might get lucky registering through the device itself if it is very new but otherwise they'll need to register it as an Other Device from their laptop: It doesn't guarantee it will work. Especially if it's wifi only and/or has it's own router built in like a wireless printer.

  • The registration page doesn't work for the majority of new laptops, You will need to walk users through accepting our university security certificate. You can try to log in with wpa, otherwise see info at bottom of Phones will also have the registration issue due to certificates. Most should have an option to Trust the "untrusted" cert either in settings or a browser window.

  • The English department instructions for their Xerox printer are significantly different for Windows 11 so make sure to follow the appropriate directions. (Most should have come through already but may have a couple new grads or faculty who still need it)

  • Please remember to communicate through hdfull or at the very least include Greg, Paul and Dan on any emails.

  • If you have issues with ultratime and/or your hours worked, let Paul know, he's in charge of that currently.


About HDWiki

HDWiki is a content management system for the NMU HelpDesk. Currently, access is limited to HelpDesk and IT staff. If you would like to know about the NMU HelpDesk Wiki Project, please contact the HelpDesk Manager.



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